加鈣蕎麥掛面Buckwheat Calcium-Added Dried Noodles 蕎麥是二十一世紀的健康營養食品,蕎麥本身富含油酸、亞油酸、蘆丁、苦味素及人體所需的微量元素和必需的各種氨基酸,在國內被推崇為調節人體均衡營養的時尚佳品。本品在加入北方寒冷高原所特產的蕎麥面的基礎上同時添加了中華醫學會推薦的補鈣品L-蘇糖酸鈣,從而起到調節人體機能、降低血糖的作用,是21世紀的時尚佳品。面條寬細適中,口感爽滑,耐煮易熟,在您享受美味的同時增補了營養。特別適合老年人、糖尿病人等特殊人群食用,健康又方便。 Buckwheat is rich in oleic acid, linolic acid, rutin, bitter principle, trace element and all kinds of amino acid human needs. It is a healthy and nutritious food in the 21st century and is highly praised for balancing human body’s nutrition abroad. The noodles are added Calcium L-Threonate recommended by Chinese Medical Association and buckwheat flour which is a speciality from frigid highland in the north to adjust body’s function and lower blood sugar. The product is appropriately wide, smooth, easily cooked, tasty and nutritious, is particularly fit for the old and diabetic.