浙江大山合菇業有限公司成立于2006年,是一家專業從事天然植物提取物研發、生產及銷售的高科技外向型企業� 公司坐落在浙江“綠谷”慶元縣,注冊資�500萬元,擁有細胞級超微粉碎和多條低溫提取生產線,嚴格按ISO和GMP規范來布置和操作。公司利用當地豐富的自然資源,開發出真菌多糖系列、天然植物萃取物系列、醫藥中間體、食品添加劑、保健品原料等數十個產品,80%以上產品遠銷歐、美、日、東南亞等國家和地區,深受客戶好評和信賴� 公司本著“濃縮天然精華,締造人類健康”的理念,以高品質的產品�*的服務面向市場。竭誠歡迎國內外客商攜手合作,共創輝煌! Zhejiang Dashanhe Mushroom Ltd., founded in 2006, is a professional engaged in natural plant extract research and development, production and marketing of high-tech export-oriented enterprises. The company is located in Zhejiang and "Valley" Qingyuan County, a registered capital of 5 million yuan, with cell-AMD smash and a number of production lines from hypothermia, in strict accordance with ISO and GMP standard to layout and operation. Companies use of abundant local natural resources, developed the series of fungal polysaccharides, natural Zhiwucuiquwu series, pharmaceutical intermediates, food additives, health products and raw materials dozens of products, over 80% of products have been sold to Europe, America, Japan, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions, was well received customer and trust. Companies of "condensed natural essence creating human health" concept to high-quality products, first-class service-oriented market. Sincerely welcomes domestic and overseas work together to create brilliant!
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- 有無進出口權�